Now Booking Rental Groups for 2025 & 2026!

With 110 acres of land, 240 bunk spaces, and open fields & wooded areas for tenting, Camp Shaw-waw-nas-see offers a variety of options to meet every rental group’s needs. We host frisbee tournaments, Scout retreats, music festivals, birthday parties, corporate retreats, school groups, weddings/receptions, and more!

Camp staff can provide programming to enhance your group’s experience and can tailor it to meet specific goals. We offer programming in the following areas: sports, swimming, survivor skills, team-building, leadership development, nature, environmental sustainability, archery, cooking, arts & crafts and much more! You are also welcome to plan your own programming for use in our charming facilities.  Please contact our  Office Manager to learn more.

Rental Groups Rec Pavillion

photo by Carrie “Bill” Carlson

See what one of our rental groups has to say:

“How excited was Bill for camp on the drive down today?” This was the first question my best friend and former college roommate asked when he got to camp this year. He already knew the answer because he felt the same excitement for another weekend reunion with our friends. Describing how important a weekend at a youth camp is for a group of 30-year-olds is difficult, but when you hear the things that are said at camp, you feel the importance of our annual reunion. Here are just a few things I heard at Camp this year:

“I don’t even know where my phone has been all day…and I don’t care!”
“I haven’t played Four Square since I was in grade school!”
“Why haven’t I seen you since your wedding!?”
“I haven’t thought about work at all this weekend!”

Camp is the one place where we can all relax, be as free as when we were children, and forget about the stresses of our everyday lives. Camp Shaw is exactly where I want to be with the people I love. We just had our 4th year at camp, and I hope that someday we will be celebrating our 40thyear at Camp Shaw-Waw-Nas-See.


Camp Map

Driving Directions