Camp Shaw

Camp Shaw

As the 70th summer of Camp Shaw-Waw-Nas-See quickly approaches, we find ourselves looking back over all these fun-filled years. While so much has changed from our first summer to the present one, there is one thing that has been a constant throughout it all…the amazing people! It never fails that every summer our grounds are filled with incredible campers and staff ready to explore, learn, and have some Shaw fun. So to remember and honor these past 70 years of camp, we’re putting together something special and we need help from all of you who spent your summers here as campers, counselors, volunteers, staff, etc. Here is what we need you to do:

First, go through all of those old boxes collecting dust in your attic and find all the pictures from your time at Camp Shaw. Whether it’s a picture of you in your cabin with your old camp friends, stomping through the creek, or eating in the dining hall we want to see them all!

Second, think of some of your favorite or most memorable stories from camp.  What memory do you look back on that still makes you laugh? What moment inspired you to become a counselor? We want to reminisce with you and hear your years of Shaw memories.

Lastly, tell your friends! Help us get the word out there and bring in as many responses as we can get. Our goal is to hear from alumni representing every decade since the first year we opened in 1945. Share this post on Facebook, email it to those you still keep in touch with, anything you can do!

Camp Shaw

When you have your pictures and memories all ready to share, you have a couple of options on how to get them to us. You can email them to, you can mail them to or drop them off at camp (6641 N 6000W Rd, Manteno, IL 60950; we’ll take great care of them and you will get them back), or you can send them to our Facebook page.

Thanks for all of your help and we’re very excited to here from you!