“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

-Mahatma Gandhi

Camp Shaw

We constantly hear, “Technology is ruining our kids!” Rather than getting lost in the imagination of the outdoors, our youth trap themselves indoors glued to their phones, gaming systems, tablets […] The list goes on. While we are constantly improving our use of emoji combinations and abbreviations such as lol, rotfl and OMG!!, we are losing an extremely crucial part what it may mean to be a well-rounded member of society: Civic Engagement

Now it’s no secret that times have changed and we are living in a much different world than we lived in twenty, even ten, years ago. The ways in which we decide to spend our free time may not be like how our grandparents chose to do it.  That’s fair. Let us, though, humor the idea of what it could mean to volunteer for a cause deemed necessary for the continuation of social good. Let us, for example, consider volunteering once a week with Miracle League of Joliet. This organization gives young adults and children with physical and cognitive disabilities the opportunity to play baseball simply because, “Every child deserves to play baseball.” Those who volunteer with this organization are able to be paired with a buddy for weekly baseball games throughout the fall and spring seasons. The smiles and courage that surface during these games is truly magical and it is through the service of dedicated volunteers that makes it possible. Think of the reward that comes with having a direct influence on a child’s life. While the reward may not be a physical one like cash or a gift certificate, it will be an internal reward that will allow you to make a  positive difference in a person’s life.

As we enter into the month of November let us consider finding an organization to volunteer with. Whether that is playing baseball with kids, reading to the elderly in a nursing home, or making your way out to Camp Shaw for an afternoon of service, you won’t be disappointed. We may not have the money to donate, but we do have the time. Let’s show our youth the wonders that can come through volunteering. Let’s show them that there is more to life than video games and text messaging. Let’s show them that they can make a difference in somebody’s life.

Take care, be well and happy Fall!