“Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man’s desire to understand.”

-Neil Armstrong

Have you ever met the spirits of Camp Shaw? As you very well may know, Camp Shaw may have some friendly spirits roaming around and we would like you to meet some of them.

Chief Shaw & his Native followers:
It is no secret that Camp Shaw gets it’s name from the great Chief Shaw-Waw-Nas-See who led the Potawotami Native American Tribe. The tribe has a historical reputation of promoting peace. Chief Shaw and his tribe once roamed these grounds that we now inhabit. Have they truly left though? There have been lights turned on in the dead of Winter when only one or two people are here. Porch lights on the cabins just turn on. P16 has a notorious history of being lit up with no explanation.  Could Chief Shaw and his followers be letting us know that they are still here?

dining hall fogAn ominous shot facing Tascher Hall

Merle Tascher:
Does the last name sound familiar? Merle E. Tascher was one of the founding Directors of Camp Shaw-Waw-Nas-See in 1946. He served as a loyal member of the board of directors and played an instrumental part in making Camp Shaw the overnight camp that it is today. To show the tremendous appreciation held towards him, the dining hall was named after him. On late, dark nights multiple camp staff members have reported the body of an elderly gentleman dressed in a flannel shirt sitting on the porch of Tascher Hall. It has been advised to greet the figure with, “Good evening, Mr. Tascher.” and continue on your way. Doors creek and slam for no apparent reason and even soda pop cans have been heard opening in the dining hall when nobody was in there. Could Merle Tascher be keeping tabs on the camp staff to make sure they are continuing his legacy?

TASCHER plaqueThe plaque honoring Merle Tascher that hangs in Tascher Hall.

The Woman in White:
Have you ever walked across the bridge in the dead of the night with not a soul around? A few brave souls have and there have been accounts of  a woman dressed all in white standing near the water of the creek. It’s almost as if she is searching for something… or someone. Legend has it that the Woman in White may be searching for her children. She may not be able to part until she finds them. Are they here, too? We have had reports of children laughter being heard coming from cabin 8 in Woodlands. Could those be the laughter of her children never wanting to leave Camp Shaw? We will let you decide.

bowl fogThe Bowl is filled with mysterious fog coming from the Rock Creek

While we cannot be certain that spirits roam our grounds, we can keep telling the stories that have been passed down from generation to generation. Here is hoping for a fun and safe Halloween weekend! Don’t stop by Camp Shaw,  for we are locking the gates and letting the spirits have their very own Monster Mash!